
Our Faith in God's love moves us to celebrate
spirituality, to care with compassion, and to
welcome all warmly.

Everyone is welcome at our church. Come and join us for fellowship, music and song, prayer and thought-provoking messages. Think about participating in one of our outreach activities. There is something for everyone at TUC.

Everyone is welcome at our church.  Come and join us for fellowship, music and song, prayer and thought-provoking messages.
Think about participating in one of our outreach activities. There is something for everyone at TUC.


1st Thornhill Scout Group

Thornhill United Church is home to the 1st Thornhill Scout group. The different sections use the church for weekly meetings and a variety of programs.

1st Thornhill is comprised of Beavers (SK to grade 2), Cubs (grades 3 to 5), Scouts (grades 6 to 9), and Venturers (grades 10 to 12). Group activities for all ages include outdoor camping trips, potluck dinners, the annual closing barbeque including “moving up” ceremonies and award presentations, as well as the church services for Remembrance Day and Baden Powell Sunday. In addition, each age group participates in a wide variety of activities both in the church and offsite.

The different sections meet in the church auditorium on the following nights:


  • Beavers - Mondays @ 6:30pm
  • Cubs - Mondays @ 6:30pm
  • Venturers - Wednesdays @ 7:30pm
  • Scouts - Thursdays @ 7:15pm


If you have a young person who is interested in participating in Scouting, leave your name and phone number with our church office, and one of our Scout leaders will contact you. Or for more information, go to the Scouts Canada website .

the logo for scouts canada is a triangle with a maple leaf on it .
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